In an effort to maintain cleanliness in the streets of Gaza, horse diapers have been introduced as a practical solution. These specially designed diapers are being used to collect the waste produced by horses that are frequently seen on the city’s roads.

The initiative aims to address the challenge of horse waste, which can lead to unsanitary conditions and unpleasant odors. By implementing horse diapers, the local authorities hope to improve the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the streets.

The horse diapers are made from environmentally friendly materials and are easy to use. They effectively absorb the waste and prevent it from soiling the roads. Additionally, they are designed to be comfortable for the horses, ensuring their well-being while contributing to a cleaner environment.


  1. Maintain: Maintain means to keep in a particular state or condition, in this case, cleanliness.
  2. Initiative: An initiative refers to a new action or approach taken to address a specific issue or problem.
  3. Unsanitary: Unsanitary describes conditions that are not clean or hygienic, posing a risk to health.

How do you think the use of horse diapers can positively impact the overall cleanliness and hygiene of a city like Gaza?